Thriving Life Co.
Welcome to Thriving Life Collective!
Today we begin co-creating your child's
Empowered Educational Journey
I am Meredith,
your personal Well-Being Educational Consultant.
Always an educator at heart, over the past 29 years my work has evolved from childcare and coaching, to classroom teaching and consulting. One thing that has not changed? My belief that when you fully meet a child where they are at in any given moment, they can feel seen, heard and supported. From there, you can guide them to a thriving life experience. Learn more here.
My Mission
“Between stimulus and response, there is a space. In that space lies our freedom and our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our happiness.” - Victor Frankl
Navigating that space with clarity and confidence is one of life's biggest challenges, when our nervous systems are dis-regulated. Bringing a sense of calm to the chaos is the first step we take in creating strategies & skill-sets that support lifelong emotional well-being.
My Guiding Principles
“If children feel safe, they can take risks, ask questions, make mistakes, learn to trust, share their feelings, and grow.”
~ Alfie Kohn
Well-Being Warriors at Work
It's no secret—I love my life's work! Together we will create the clarity & confidence that support your child in discovering how it feels to truly thrive.
Begin today......